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friends of the gloversville public library logo


Jean LaPorta
Patty Franco
(Vice President)
Jill Thaisz
Marion Clemente


Nancy Krawczeski
Ginni Mazur
Carolyn Siarkowski

About The Friends

The Friends of the Gloversville Public Library was incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in 1974 to assist the library in its mission of serving this community. The Friends have more than 300 members who donate time, as well as money, to help improve the Gloversville Public Library. If you are able to donate time or money to the Friends, fill out our membership form today.

The Friends recognize that an excellent library is a cornerstone of our community that provides everyone with the opportunity to engage in life-long learning and to connect with the ideas of others from past to present. A quality library helps to attract new people and businesses to an area. Libraries preserve our past and are a tremendous resource for planning our future. So the Friends' mission is simple-raise funds and use them in any way possible to improve the collection and services of their Library for the benefit of all community members. These funds are used to purchase various items to improve the collection, including books, DVDs, audiobooks, and computer software. They also buy equipment for the Library, such as book trucks. They provide funding for remodeling projects, like new carpeting, and horizontal blinds.

The Friends' donations to the Gloversville Public Library have averaged more than $10,000 annually.


The Friends have several fundraisers throughout the year.

Book Sales. The 2023 Friends' Book Sale will be held October 12-14 (Thursday-Saturday) in the Carnegie Room. Donations of gently used books will be accepted for a limited time prior to the sale. Book donation period to be announced at a later time. Hardcover and paperback, fiction and nonfiction, adult and juvenile book donations will be welcome. We will not accept donations of damaged books, text books, encyclopedias, magazines, catalogs, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes or record albums.

Membership Drive. You can join the Friends at any time by filling out this form. But each year, starting in October during National Friends of the Library Week, the Friends begin an annual membership drive. The Friends mail membership forms to existing and prospective members to solicit funds and volunteers.

Other Events. The Friends are always looking for new and exciting ways to raise money to support the library. Check the Library's calendar of events to stay up to date.

Sponsored Programming

The Friends sponsor programming for library patrons of all ages. All of these programs are listed on the Library's calendar of events.

Box of Books. This program provides children's books at local laundromats and at the Nathan Littauer Hospital, to help promote reading.

Library Grounds. The Friends help with spring clean up and install new plantings each spring. The Friends also provide seasonal exterior decorations.

National Friends of Libraries Week. The Friends also sponsor special programming in October during National Friends of Libraries week. In past years the Friends have donated a gift basket to the first baby born during Friends' Week, raffled off picture books for children, and sponsored special Library events and programming.