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Library Garden

Enjoy in Library Garden in our parking lot with many seasonal flowers!

Early Learning Toy Collection

Located in our Early Literacy Room in Youth Services, a collection of fun and interactive learning toys such as blocks, a cash register, puzzles, vehicles, and so much more!

Educational Gaming Computers

We have three computers in the Early Literacy Room with educational games. These computers do not connect to the internet.


We offer faxing services at a cost of $1.50 for the first page and $.50 per each additional page.

Game Nook

Located in our Fiction room is a small collection of puzzles, games, and coloring sheets for in-house use.

Interlibrary Loan

In accordance with individual library policies, you may place requests for materials owned by other libraries and they will be shipped to your home library.

Notary Public

We now offer free notary services to Gloversville Public Library card holders.

Notary services are available by calling the library and checking availability. Please be sure to bring appropriate legal identification, as well as your Gloversville Public Library card.


Printing from public computers costs 10 cents per page for black and white, and 25 cents per page for color. The self-service photocopier is 15 cents per page. We also have a service called Princh, which allows you to print wirelessly from your phone, tablet, or laptop using these steps. Our Princh ID number is: 105085.

Public Computers

We have computers available for public use. Patrons receive 90 minutes of computer use per day. 30-minute extensions may be granted if no one else is waiting. We are also offer FREE WIFI so patrons may use their portable devices, e.g. phones, laptops, tablets.

Patrons 13+ may use the computers on the Main Level of the Library. Patrons 5-17 may use the computers in the Youth Center. Patrons who do not have a library card can request a guest pass.

Public computers are not filtered. Library staff reserve the right to prohibit viewing of material that is inappropriate for a public place. Please see our Computer & Internet Policy for more information.

Puzzle Exchange

Take a puzzle, leave a puzzle (if you have one). New or gently used donations accepted. Located across from the Information Desk. No library card needed!

Tax Forms

The Library receives tax forms and instruction booklets which are free and available to the public until Tax Day in April. Forms we don't have can be printed for free upon request (limit of 2 copies).